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The Blog

1 Year Anniversary Giveaway

Dear friends and family, 

This week holds a very special date indeed—this Friday, April 12, 2024, is the One-Year Anniversary of Lady K Creative! The launch of Lady K Creative was one Year ago, and we are going to celebrate! 

When I discerned that a blog would help spark my creative passions, my first blog post contained a list of my “loves.” Topics that bring me joy and fulfillment - “cup fillers,” if you will. This was my OG list: 

Lady K’s Loves – Part I

  • Date night at home with my Husband

  • Books

  • Cricut Crafts

  • DIY Projects

  • All things Fashion

  • Turquoise

  • Coffee

  • Live Music

  • Pickleball

  • America's Brightest Orange

  • Fertility Awareness Education

  • A great steak cooked medium rare

  • Gift Giving - Finding the perfect gift for family and loved ones

  • Travel

  • Fly Fishing (definitely an amateur)

  • Podcasts

  • Agriculture Education

  • Gardening and Home Improvement

  • Faith-Based Resources and Tools

This list of interests serves as a guide and touches on many of the aspects I write about for Lady K Creative. I hope we can connect, find common interests, and walk on this journey together!

My blog writing adventure is something I do for myself. It’s one simple thing that brings me a weekly dose of happiness. 

Have you ever been stuck in a rut? Have you lost purpose in your school, work, or vocation? I sure have! Last year, I reflected on the questions below, and it was very evident that I needed to re-prioritize what activities mattered most to me. 

For you personally, what is the missing puzzle piece? Dear friend - carve time for that hobby or interest that has been neglected. You deserve it! A full cup overflows into all areas of your life, which is a gift! 

  • What is a simple activity or hobby that is missing from your day-to-day life?

  • Are you lacking energy because the mundane is overwhelming? 

  • What balance can you incorporate into your day/week to regain confidence and fulfillment? 

I think we all need a little spark of encouragement as we traverse through life! My intention is to bring positivity and beauty into each post I craft. My mindset is that if the simplicity of sharing my interests/hobbies deposits new ideas and encourages YOU to focus on the roots of what fills your cup, I’ll consider that a success! 

Whether you are a loyal and true day-one subscriber or new to my blog, thank you for joining the journey. I hope year 2 will also bear good fruit! 

And now to CELEBRATE: 

Lady K Creative 1-Year Anniversary Giveaway

-Return of the Prodigal Son Book by Henri Nouwen

-The 5th Vital Sign Book by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

-The Blonde Identity Book by Ally Carter

-Personalized Wine Bottle (*or, if shipped, a gift card for your Spirit of choice) 

-Bible Verse Jar

-$50 Lady K Creative Gift Card for custom work of your choice

This Giveaway has a $140.00 Value! 

I know you are dying to know! How do I enter? 

  1. Follow Lady K Creative on Facebook and Instagram. 

  2. Share the giveaway post on your Instagram OR Facebook story. 

  3. Tag a friend in the comments section of the post. Each tag is an entry! 

  4. The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. 

Lady K will DM you for your email and delivery/shipping information. If I do not hear from you in 24 hours, I will select a new winner! 

Good luck! 

*The giveaway is only eligible for shipment in the U.S. Not affiliated with Instagram or Facebook*

Lady K's One Thing:

Extreme gratitude for everyone who has supported Lady K Creative! Thank you!

All my Best,


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