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The Blog

Gingerbread Cookies + Food for Thought

Hello, friends! 

This is my last blog post of 2023! I will be back to developing content on January 9, 2024! I hope you rest this Advent Season and experience true JOY with the arrival of Our King - The Good Shepherd - Emmanuel! 

Baking in the kitchen directly connects to the wonder of Christmas in my heart. I am fortunate to have had a full and warm kitchen growing up! I wanted to share our absolute favorite gingerbread cookie recipe. 

Cue George Strait - Christmas Cookies 

“I sure do like those Christmas cookies, sugar

I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe

The ones that look like Santa Claus

Christmas trees and bells and stars

I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe”

I know spiced cookies are not a fan favorite for all, but this cookie balances a spiced taste without being overwhelming. They also stay nice and soft instead of hardening into a brick. The recipe is actually from the New York Times, so I will link it here:

I attempted to make homemade royal icing a few years ago but was very disappointed in how mine turned out. I kept it simple this year and purchased store-bought readymade icing from Walmart. Simple is A-okay! 

Since I am sharing a recipe for this final blog post before the new year, it seemed only fitting to share a “food for thought” tidbit. I am reading the Found Advent Devotional by Blessed is She. 

One of the authors who wrote a short reflection in the book, Rachel Balducci, shared the following words: 

“As women, the temptation to find our worth in what we do is always present.” 

Seeing the word “temptation” in the phrase brought me straight to the garden with Adam and Eve. I started reflecting on the following points: 

  • Is that what Eve was trying to do in the garden? Find her identity?

  • Living outside of her God-given purpose to chase her own plans and goals?

  • What apples am I eating to find my worth?

I will continue to sit with those words and reflect as we round out 2023! 

Lady K’s One Thing: 

I found an artist on Instagram who simply amazes me. She captures the childhood nostalgia of making memories and the beauty of motherhood. Check out her page here! 

Safe Travels Prayer for Christmas 

Source: Laudate Prayer App 

O Glorious St. Christopher you have inherited a beautiful name, Christbearer, as a result of the wonderful legend that while carrying people across a raging stream you also carried the Child Jesus. Teach us to be true Christbearers to those who do not know Him. Protect all of us that travel both near and far and petition Jesus to be with us always. 


Sending you Merry and Bright Christmas Blessings, 

Lady K 


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