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The Blog

He is in the Boat with You

Dearest Friends, 

It has been on my heart to write this blog post as a reflection of what has been stirring in my heart lately. Grab a cup of coffee, light a candle, settle into your "happy place," and thank you for being a part of my blog writing journey!

I want to start this blog piece by encouraging you to picture yourself near a body of water. Your favorite lake, bay, or ocean-side scene - picture yourself standing near the waterfront. How does the breezy air smell and feel? What feelings arise in your heart when you picture yourself with your toes nestled in the sand? 

Water has a soothing quality. Salt water can make you float effortlessly. Being poolside can refresh your body after a long week. Water can cleanse wounds and remove debris. Water is an essential element for us all. 

When I think about water, I am drawn to the happy, damp smell after a recent rain shower. I would stomp in the rain puddles as a young girl… rain was very rare and hard to come by in the Texas Panhandle! It’s sweet to reflect on how I delighted in moisture hitting our dry farmland at such a young age. 

Love those diva sunglasses and rain boots :)

As I was traveling in the Czech Republic back in 2019, we had the opportunity to visit the Hot Springs in Karlovy Vary. I was surprised to see countless men, women, and children traveling through this set of hot springs and bringing containers to capture the water. We walked a few miles and stopped at approximately 10 hot springs along the way. Our group and other tourists would carry a glass container to capture a small sip of water to taste test the water at each hot spring. Many people would collect the water in small containers to take home for future use. Our tour guide expressed that these hot springs are often sought after for health benefits and healing properties as the water is high in mineral content. Seeking water for healing, like at these hot springs, had a striking resemblance to our Faith. We all are seeking the healing waters that only Christ can provide. Nothing else will satisfy. 

I am sure you have caught onto a central theme in today's blog surrounding the element of water. As Christians, water is detailed in the bible with strong symbolism. You might think of a few passages that come to mind - Noah’s Ark, Jonah and the Whale, or John the Baptist baptizing Christ. I have always loved one of the central tenets of our Catholic faith to bless ourselves with Holy Water. We bless ourselves with Holy Water while making the sign of the cross, and through this symbol, we acknowledge our baptism. “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." I appreciate that direct connection to the sacrament of baptism and how this blessing serves as a powerful physical reminder of being cleansed of our sins. I have recently been reflecting on the scripture passage of the disciples in the boat with Jesus during a tumultuous storm. 

The Calming of the Storm at Sea. Matthew 8:23-27 “He got into a boat, and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by waves; but he was asleep. They came and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” He said to them, “Why are you terrified, O you of little faith?”* Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was great calm. The men were amazed and said, “What sort of man is this, whom even the winds and the sea obey?”

How many times have I pleaded with Jesus to calm the storms in my life? It’s urgent, Lord; I need you, and I need you NOW. Please make it better. I was recently reminded of a reflection written and delivered by Britt Fisk that struck me deeply and personally. Britt gave this talk at the Good News Conference, and you can watch and listen to her impactful message here:

Britt Fisk's keynote talk "Finding Beauty in the Loss of Control"

I highly recommend listening to her message. Britt recounts the scripture passage of Christ in the boat with the disciples. Through her testimony, I gained an epiphany that struck me like lightning. Britt expresses that sometimes in life, Jesus never calms the storm. Does he have the power to calm the storm? Yes, absolutely, but sometimes, His greater plan invokes great suffering. Jesus may let you experience anguish and pain with the desired intent of pulling you closer to His heart. Exquisitely put, “I may not calm the storm. Be not afraid. I AM SITTING IN THE BOAT WITH YOU.” 

I am guilty of ignoring Jesus’ presence during the storms in my life. I have begged and pleaded with Him, throwing out versions of:

  • Lord, this is not rational nor controlled. 

  • There is so much unknown. 

  • Why would you allow [insert person’s name] to suffer? They are good and serve you well. Why do they deserve such hardship? 

  • Where are you? Why have you abandoned me in this time of need? 

I want the solution from Him. I want healing. I want to understand the “why” behind it all. I don’t want to suffer. But have I ever contemplated simply sitting with him during the darkest, rockiest parts of life? Have I given him the opportunity to speak with peace, directly to my heart, with these words?

“My beautiful daughter, I hear you. I know you are troubled and overwhelmed. Your boat is being rocked with pounding waves on every side. You tremble in fear. I am with you. I am sitting in the boat right next to you as the waves relentlessly beat back and forth. Just sit with me in the boat, dear daughter. It is enough that I am with you, at your side, to console you during the storm. I stand by you now and always. Be not afraid. I am with you. There is no quick-fix solution for your problem or deeply rooted fear. You have to trust in me and my greater plan. Relinquish control and let me bear the burden.” 

Are those words easy to hear? Definitely not. Is this exact topic one of my supreme struggles in life (relinquishing control)...yes, absolutely. But I am comforted by the notion that we were never promised an easy road in life free from suffering. However, we were given by God a merciful Savior who came down from Heaven to enter into our broken world. Christ entered into our world with all human likeness as a vulnerable little baby, so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I will try to remind myself of this message as we travel throughout the Lenten season, and I hope to keep it especially close to my heart during great trials and tribulations. 

If you would like to reflect on this topic further, I would also highly recommend listening to this Sunday Homily from Fr. Mike Schmitz - “He Leadeth Me: As Long As…”

Lady K’s One Thing: 

West Coast Catholic Holy Water Spritzers! These are crafted with such simplistic beauty! A great Easter gift for those special people in your life. 

Inspired by a reel made by @catholichypewoman, print this card and tape it on your bathroom mirror. It is a great reminder when going through our daily face wash routine or when applying our makeup. You are beautiful and worthy - speak love and truth as you gaze at your reflection in the mirror. Make your daily routine holy by offering it up to Him, the one who knows every hair on your head.

Give The Catholic Hypewoman a follow and watch her reel here:

Print the card pictured above, to tape on your bathroom vanity mirror:

Into the Deep with the one true King,


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