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Painted Bible Bags + Outdoor Movie

Good Tuesday Morning!

Life is infinitely sweeter with good friends, a bottle of wine, and a summer night sky! A refreshing weekend at home + some gal pal time makes for one happy Lady K. 

I always have a crafty trick up my sleeve, and this activity was a huge hit! Painted Canvas Bible bags for the win. Shoutout to the Women’s Bible Study Group that I have been a part of for the last three years. It has been a delight to dive into the faith with this fantastic group of women, all journeying through different seasons of life! I am always hauling a book, journal, and Bible for our Tuesday night gatherings, so this craft is a major win for practicality and cuteness. 

Of course, in true Lady K fashion, I incorporated a theme for the evening. Welcome to Camp Walden, all you The Parent Trap lovers! 

Craft Corner to start the evening - we painted canvas totes with cute stencils! 

Painted Bible Bags

Materials Needed: 

  • Acrylic Paint 

  • Paint Markers or Pens

  • Paint Brushes 

  • Canvas Tote Bags 

  • Optional - Cardboard rectangle sheet to place inside the canvas tote so your paint does not bleed (think broken-down cereal box or cardboard box) 

  • Bible verse stencils (I used my Cricut, so handy and easy; let me know if you need stencils) 

  • Painter’s Tape

Outdoor Movie Setup:

  • Projector

  • Laptop

  • Mini DVD player - this is the best invention ever!

  • Blow Up Mattress

  • Movie Snacks and Drinks

Next, we gathered all of our snacks—Oreos + PB, popcorn, hot tamales, Sour Patch Kids, M&Ms, and sugar babies. Don’t forget the wine and mosquito repellant - citronella incense sticks are a huge help. We had our cozy blow-up mattress ready to go for our outdoor movie.

Cue the Parent Trap - giggle to your heart’s content! 

Lady K’s One Thing:

In keeping with my word for the year - DELIGHT! It has been a joy to start the Abiding Together Summer Book Study! I am re-reading C.S. Lewis’ classic children’s book - “Narnia - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It's a super quick and easy read! The reflections have been phenomenal! 

“Children easily encounter wonder and awe.” 
“When we numb our heart and our identity, we numb our wonder and our inheritance.” 



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