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The Blog

Summer Edition - Sipping Through the Seasons

Hello, Dear Readers!

A HUGE heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in my 1st Anniversary Giveaway for Lady K! Check out my social media pages this afternoon for the winner announcement. I appreciate your support! 

It is time for the second installment of Sipping through the Seasons—the Summer Edition! These warm rays of Spring Sunshine have my heart singing. With patio weather opening up, it's the perfect time to try out new drink recipes!

We have a patio in our backyard covered with a pergola; it’s the perfect spot to relax after a long day of work! This drink is prepared in a pitcher and checks all of the boxes! It is not overly sweet and has a touch of almond extract to really set it over the top. 

Our new favorite refreshment is light, flavorful, and goes down super smoothly! Even if Watermelon is not your favorite fruit, this drink is balanced, and the watermelon flavor is not overpowering. The Tajin rim is optional based on your preferences.


If you try out one of these recipes, let me know what you think! 

Lady K’s One Thing: 

Dirty windshield? Say no more! Bug guts and dirt are no match for Dawn PowerWash! Spray down your windshield with PowerWash and let the soap set for about 30 seconds. Then, power up our windshield wipers and washer fluid to remove the soap suds. You will have a clean and crystal-clear windshield in no time! I use this product on literally everything! It really is a lifesaver.

Dirty Windows? > PowerWash

Dirty Winshield? > PowerWash 

Stained Clothing? > PowerWash 

Dreaming of Patio Time,


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