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The Perfect Holiday Drink Menu

The time for togetherness is right around the corner! Nothing expresses the love of the holidays like a specialty cocktail or mocktail. I have two amazing recipes to share to get you in the spirit!

Cran-Pom Punch

*Serves 20


  • 6 Cups Cranberry-Pomegranate Juice

  • 3 Cups Tequila (or alcohol of choice, omit if seeking a non-alcoholic option)

  • 3 - 12 Oz Topo Chico Mineral Waters (Glass bottles seem to have more fizz, but the plastic 1 L bottle will also work just fine)

Drink Rim

  • Hot Honey of your choice

  • Cinnamon Sugar


  1. In a large drink dispenser (at least 1.5 gallons) pour in the Cranberry-Pomegranate Juice and alcohol. Stir together.

  2. Top with topo chico just before serving. Serve the Cran-Pom punch with a sugar rim and on ice.

To Rim your Glass:

Trust me, this MAKES the drink and is minimal effort. I am a salt over sugar on the rim any day of the week, but this is the best combo you could ask for on this drink.

  1. Mix together 3 tablespoons of white sugar with 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon.

  2. Dip your glass rim in hot honey and swirl with cinnamon sugar.

  3. Add ice to your glass and pour in the punch.


Homemade Apple Cider

*Yields about 1 Gallon and close to 10 Servings


  • 5 Red Apples (any variety will work)

  • 5 Granny Smith Apples

  • ¾ Cup white sugar

  • Water to cover the apples

  • 1 Tbs ground cinnamon

  • 1 Tbs ground allspice

  • A sprinkle of whole cloves (if desired)

Additional Materials Needed:

  • Crockpot that will hold 1 gallon

  • Cheesecloth

  • Metal Strainer


  1. Quarter your apples - don’t worry about the seeds as you will strain the mixture at the end. Place your apples in the crockpot.

  2. Add to the crockpot the sugar, cinnamon, allspice, and cloves. Now, using a pitcher add water to the mix until the apples are covered with water. The water line should be about an inch above the apples.

  3. Cook on low in your crock pot for 3 hours.

  4. Carefully remove the apple bits with a slotted spoon and discard them in the trash.

  5. Determine what pitcher or pot you will use to strain the mixture. Place a metal strainer lined with a cheesecloth inside the pitcher/pot. Slowly pour the cider into the strainer to remove any seeds or remaining apple fiber.

  6. Pour the cider back into your crockpot and serve the apple cider warm.

*For Storage - allow the cider to cool and pour into a container with a sealed lid. Refrigerate once cooled.

Lady K’s One Thing:

The Abiding Together Podcast released an episode in October that captured my heart and emphasized the importance of remaining present. Season 13 Episode 4 - “The Sacrament of the Present Moment.” Available on all podcast streaming platforms.

My goal for the upcoming Advent season is to rest and be with family and friends. I have set a limit not to purchase any Christmas gifts in December. Shopping is done before the season begins and if I feel the societal pressure to shop, I will stop and read a book or do something else enriching for myself. Gifts can come in the form of quality time, homemade goodies, or baked sweets. Less is more. Receive instead of acheive.

Sugar, Spice, & All Things Nice,

Lady K


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