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Valentine's Day Recipe - EPIC Fail

Happy Tuesday, All,

It is almost the day of Love - Valentine’s Day!  Do you love Cupid’s Day, or are you so over hearts, pink/red, and all things mushy-gushy that surround this particular holiday? 

I enjoy this day and still write hand-written letters to my family members and friends. It brings me joy! Each year that we have been married, I plan a special meal that I cook at home for Colten and me to enjoy for Valentine’s Day! I had to pivot a bit this year and create a meatless meal in observation of Ash Wednesday. This year, Ash Wednesday falls on the same day as Valentine’s Day! This initiates the start of Lent in the Catholic faith tradition. We start the journey of entering into the Desert with Christ and reflecting on how he spent 40 days in the desert. We focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving throughout this season. Fasting includes abstaining from meat on Fridays. 

Why abstain from meat? 

Sourced from a Q&A on the Busted Halo website. 

“Catholics are required to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday and each Friday in Lent (including Good Friday). Historically, since about the second century of Christianity, Christians abstained from eating meat on Fridays as a kind of sacrifice and reminder that acknowledged Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross, which we commemorate on Good Friday. It’s also why we proclaim the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary on Friday. About a century or two later, Lent came into being as a season of intense preparation for Easter, so the fasting and abstinence was extended to much of Lent.” 

Why eat fish? 

Growing up, I was taught that fish is cold-blooded, which differentiates it from the meat found in warm-blooded animals. Eating fish or lighter meals (veggies, cheese-based items) to fast is a sacrifice designed to bring us closer to Christ. 

Have you ever EPICALLY failed trying out a new recipe?

I sure have…it was certainly a sign that we needed to abstain from sweets… I attempted to make an Instagram Food Bloggers Champagne Dip…and GROSS. It calls for 1 box of white cake mix, 1 jar of white icing, and ¼ cup of champagne. You garnish with sprinkles and enjoy it by dipping strawberries or graham crackers in the dip. I gave it a whirl and halved the recipe; since there are only 2 of us = 0/10 would not recommend it. It tasted chalky and way too sweet. The storebought cake mix and icing seem so simple, but mixed together with a spritz of champagne - not great! Keeping it real, a cutesy recipe that I was influenced to make that was a total flop! 

So, I give you the plan for our 2024 Valentine’s Day/Ash Wednesday Dinner!

  • Rana - 5 Cheese Tortellini Stuffed Pasta with Mushrooms and Buttery Sage Sauce 

  • Salad 

  • Small Serving of Champagne for a Toast 


Last year, I had an extremely fruitful Lent, which actually brought forth with clarity my desire to start writing a weekly blog…and here we are today. Thank you, Jesus, for that discernment and gift! I have set a few goals for Lent to help me enter into the season fully and be held accountable by others on the same journey. 

Here is what I have discerned for Lent 2024: 


2 Faith-based reflection books 

Stopping in for Adoration more frequently 


Grocery shopping once a week only 

No social media scroll at work 


Donate a portion of the funds I save, not online shopping, back to the church.

Not listed in the picture of my notebook, but also a goal, is to volunteer at least once at our church’s food pantry, “The Market on Tierra Blanca.”

Read about this awesome initiative here:

Lady K’s One Thing: 

Read about the Holy Father’s (Pope Francis’) Message for Lent! 

Hope you have a Lovely Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday tomorrow!



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